2025: RejectionHotline.com ~ @HumorHotlines presents: The RE-Launch of The Original REJECTION HOTLINE®

Dial: 605-477-3018
-OR- CLICK TO CALL (if we set this up right?)

-OR- (maybe an audio player could work ok?)

A? via SoundCloud?
B? via a "Podcast" on Spotify?
C? Via an individual "Podcast Episodes" - via a @HumorHotlines Podcast??

Anyone want to work on this with us? (Contact form below)

 Background: Originally created as a joke way back in the early 2000's  (intended as a last-resort, a fake number for those who can't take a hint or won't take "no" for an answer)...

The Rejection Hotline® (and our 300+ other Humor Hotlines) had a great run – 10+ years, 475 Million phone calls, etc. – but we were forced to sell off the 2500+ phone numbers and shut down the company in ~2013 (long story). 

HOWEVER, we still have most of our assets (audio files, domain names, etc.) and NEW Phone Numbers (and some new business models to test!) and there is now a COMEBACK (of sorts) underway as part of “The Whatever Network!” — BUT with a NEW primary PURPOSE:

We want to use our products, content, and (too many) YEARS of experience (the good/bad/ugly) to help mentor/advise/coach the next generation of founders, content creators, and entrepreneurs of all kinds [via CoFounderator.com’s Counter-intuitive #CompeteCompareCollaborate #PursuitOfProof Programs — aspiring to improve Early Entrepreneur Education (and success/fail rates!) for Future Founders!]

“WE” will be launching (and RE-launching) A LOT!
(The Rejection Hotline is just ONE of literally 1000+ Projects!)
But “WE” is in quotes, because the goal is for YOU (100+ past/present/future entrepreneurs, product/project managers, content creators, influencers, etc. — working together with #SharedResources and #TransparentTesting) to actually DO the making, managing, marketing, monetizing, etc.
#LearningWhileLaunching #CompeteCompareCollaborateREPEAT



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