(Part 2) PhilosoFounder.com ~ THOUGHTS/THEORIES & IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES to #DiscussAndDebate

= ReThinkingStartups.com (?!?)

Note: All of the following is in direct response to the PROBLEMS & PITFALLS discussed/debated via 500Failures.com and (eventually?)
@500Failures on socials: Twitter | Instagram | TikTok

(re: Problems/Pitfalls... and Improvement Initiatives!)

Interjection from our "Realistic Rick" persona:
Let's set aside the question of "Can vs. Can't" for a minute.
Let’s assume, for the sake of this discussion, that you are correct:
YOU CAN DO [whatever]
Let’s jump to a Completely Different Question:
Assuming “X” is something you’ve NEVER DONE BEFORE,
what makes you think you can
NOT ONLY do it successfully,
BUT ALSO accurately project
A) how long it will take?
(Weeks? Months? Years?!?)
and/or B) how much money it will take?

(as we attempt to help FUTURE Founders avoid the Problems/Pitfalls & #FrequentFounderFailFactors that thwarted countless current & former founders before them)

Let's #DiscussAndDebate...

Strategically Blurring Lines
(and "Flattening Learning Curves!")
via #CollaborativeCompetition & #TransparentTesting

(3 ways? 10x?? 100x?!?) #CompeteCompareCollaborateREPEAT

#ValueBeyondSales #PACASM
Products as Content as Social Marketing as...

Shared Resources, Economies of Scale...
Managed Collectively, Marketed Individually...

Products AS Content AS Social Marketing...

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Comments? Questions?
(Want to Discuss/Debate any of the above?)And/Or, if you're potentially interested in participating (or helping us run!) any of the above...?
MORE [whatever] COMING SOON! ~ CoFounderator@gmail.com to maybe work w/ us?