(Part 3) MultipleBaskets.com ~ Our Microcosm-based Methodologies for #TransparentTesting of Resource-Sharing REPS of Parallel *P.A.C.A.S.M. Projects?!
*Products As Content As Social Marketing?
*Products As Content As Startup Microcosms?!?

1000+ Products/Projects via 1 #OverwhelmingOverview .pdf embed:
Parallel Products, #TransparentTesting Teams...
Managed Collectively, Marketed Individually...
Shared Resources, Economies of Scale...

*Products As Content As Social Marketing...

Coming Soon, ALL of the following socials.
(Please follow now to get access as soon as they're switched from Private to Public)

MORE [whatever] COMING SOON! ~ CoFounderator@gmail.com to maybe work w/ us?