100+ Pieces of [whatever!] - each for $1.00 or less?!?
Gag Gifts? Stocking Stuffers? Secret Santa Surprises?
Pocket-size Presents? Motivational Mementos?
Humorous Handouts? Thoughtful "Thank-You" Things? Fun Fads for Friends & Family? Random Ridiculousness?

(and an admittedly-awful alliteration addiction!)

1. Spend a Dollar... to CLAIM A MINUTE?!?

a minute...?
Sponsor a minute...?
Gift a minute...?
2. Spend a Dollar...
to Send Messages to Dead Friends or Relatives?!?

(wait, what?!?)

3. Spend a Dollar...

(And Receive a "Get Out of Hell, Free" GUARANTEE?!?) 




  • Pay a Dollar... to Send a Time-Travelling Message to "FUTURE YOU!"
  • Pay a Dollar... to SEND a Surprise Cash Gift via VENMO to "FUTURE YOU!"
    and/or Pay a Dollar... to RECEIVE a Surprise Cash Gift via VENMO from "PAST YOU!"
  • Pay a Dollar... to get Introduced to 10 Strangers who ALSO Paid a Dollar to get Introduced to 10 Strangers!?!
  • Pay a Dollar... to Attend an EXCLUSIVE ZOOM HAPPY HOUR - with up to 99 others who ALSO paid a Dollar to Attend an Exclusive Zoom Happy Hour with up to 99 Strangers!?!
  • Pay a Dollar... to attend a real Brainstorming and/or Strategy Session with the [expletive deleted] who came up with all this [expletive deleted]

Note: These next few are in response to the growing PAFOSO Epidemic!
[Editor's Note:
PAFOSO = "People Are Full Of Shit Online" - so these next few are intended as SATIRE, to poke fun at (and draw attention to!) the issue, NOT to actually encourage, legitimize, or contribute to it!
  • Pay a Dollar... to become a Nationally-Recognized [whatever] and we'll make sure a member of our team in at least 10 of the 50 states officially recognizes you (as a [whatever])
  • Pay a Dollar... to become an Internationally-Renowned [whatever] and we'll make sure a member of our team in at least 5 different countries will not only recognize you, but also declares their "admiration" for you (as a [whatever])
  • Pay a Dollar... to become an Award-Winning [whatever] and then
    A) we will announce the creation of the award, then
    B) Alex will NOMINATE you for the award, and then
    C) we will ANNOUNCE THE WINNER of the Award!!!
    [Spoiler Alert: We have a good feeling the winner might be YOU! (so, CONGRATS in advance! $1.00 well spent!)]
  • Pay $1.00 to Become the Interim "Director of [whatever]" or Interim "VP of [whatever]" or "Chief [whatever] Officer" for one of our Products, Divisions, or Business Units...
    OR... (and we'd prefer this option!), instead of a satirical gimmick like that, you could actually come work with us FOR REAL via one of our Programs, Workshops, Competitions, etc.!!!
P.S. Someone working with us, remind Jeff to explain/discuss Pickle-Picking, Twitter Teams, Content-Collabs, DNR-IRL, Matrix/Simulation, Pay-to-Play-Publish Models, Proxies, and Programs within Programs  -- sorry, I have to write that or I'd never remember to bring it up again... because, well,  



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