"Hello! This is NOT the person you were trying to call! 
You've reached THE REJECTION HOTLINE® because the person who gave you this number did NOT want you to have their REAL number

Rejection Hotline v2.0

(now with SMS Auto-Reply for texts!)

BACKGROUND: Originally created as a joke way back in the early 2000's  (intended as a last-resort, a fake number for those who can't take a hint or won't take "no" for an answer)The Rejection Hotline® (and our 200+ other Humor Hotlines) had a great run – 10+ years, 475 Million phone calls, etc. – but we were forced to sell off the 2500+ phone numbers and shut down the company in 2013 (long story). HOWEVER, there is now a COMEBACK underway as part of "The WHATEVER Network!"

P.S. We know that clicking to a new page is a pain in the @$$. So, instead of telling you to go check out HumorHotlines.com, we'll just bring HumorHotlines.com to you! ↓ ↓ ↓



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