Double Or Donate

Coming Soon!

10 students sent 100 dimes to 1000 strangers with this $1,000,000 plan:

If you have the time,
And can spare the dime(s),
Please do A, B, or C,
And #ViralMagic we'll see!
A) DOUBLE it & send to others with this msg
B) DONATE it @ (details)
C) Do nothing :(




1 guy sent 10 cents to 100 strangers with a MULTI-MILLLION-DOLLAR dream:

10 people sent 100 dimes to 1000 strangers with a MULTI-MILLION-DOLLAR Dream:

100 people sent 100 dimes to 100 strangers with a MILLLION-DOLLAR message:


Contact us to get involved:



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