...we just tend to think about stickers (and MOST things!) a little differently than most people do.

Can you provide a few EXAMPLES - of HOW you think differently?

Ok, so, without giving away too many of our proprietary perspectives & plans (which we will obviously share with everyone who does end up working with us!)... 

Custom Stickers, Die Cut Stickers, Bumper Stickers - Sticker Mule
  1. First, if I suggest that we can get people (adults, not children) to voluntarily WEAR stickers on their clothing, does that sound plausible or ridiculous? ["That's dumb - people aren't gonna put stickers on their clothies!"]

    Can you think of any scenarios where MILLIONS of people already put stickers on themselves - voluntarily? 
         Hold that thought, we'll get back to that in bullet #3 below

  2. Many entrepreneurs view stickers as a trendy promotional tool (How can these stickers provide VALUE TO ME and BENEFIT TO ME - by showing people MY business name, MY business logo, etc.). As a result, the primary reasons anyone would stick them / display them is to support you, to support your startup, to support the local startup community, etc. And there's nothing at all wrong with that!!!

    But, WE also think about stickers as a PRODUCT that provides BENEFIT TO OTHERS and VALUE TO OTHERS. 

    This is just one of MANY random examples: 
  3. (Continued from #1 above) 
    The images below show use cases for WEARABLE stickers that are so common, you might not have even thought about them... 

    No, we (obviously?) didn't come up with the ideas for "Hello, my name is..." and "I voted today"...
    BUT, they illustrate perfectly that MILLIONS of people WILL actually WEAR stickers if, If, IF, *IF* you can create the REASON WHY! 

    So, no, I'm not going to elaborate further and tell you all our ideas for wearable sticker concepts - but there are MANY!

  4. I'm also not going to tell you what we're going to do with this little nugget:
    "Did you ever realize... that GLOSSY stickers create a PERFECT surface for DRY-ERASE MARKERS?? Hmmm... what can we do with that premise...??  
    P.S. Come work with us to find out!!! 

Anyway... regardless of what you think of the few examples above/below, we have many, Many, MANY "ReThinking Stickers" Concepts (Sticker Products, Sticker Side Hustles, Sticker Startups, STICKER WHATEVER!) available for all of our team members (marketers, managers, influencers, interns, program-participants, partners, co-founders, etc.) to choose via many programs!


Custom Stickers, Die Cut Stickers, Bumper Stickers - Sticker Mule

VistaPrint has Sticker (in addition to Business Cards) 
Order with this link and you'll get $20 off an order of $40 or more.

Moo also has Business Cards (and Stickers - and we particularly love their StickerBOOKS product)... Use this link and get 25% off your first order.




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