- National "GET OVER IT DAY!" (March 9th)
Strategically the midpoint between Valentine's Day & April Fools Day, it was conceived in 2005 by a guy in Atlanta while struggling to get over an ex-girlfriend. He recognized it was a universal concept that many can relate to (despite how taboo & uncomfortable it is to acknowledge & discuss).
So he wrote up a goofy little explainer poem/anthem/whatever (below) and the concept quickly went viral, was featured by 1000+ media outlets worldwide...
#GetOverItDay on Good Morning America (LONG ago!)
#GetOverItDay on ESPN SportsCenter (LONG ago!)
*2024 Update: "'s Purpose & Perspective Poem" has now reached 46+ MILLION People!
Regardless of what your "it" may be, you obviously don't NEED a specific day (or this poorly-designed website!) to "GET OVER IT!"
We can be thankful when it's not Thanksgiving. We can be romantic when it's not Valentine's Day. [And we should appreciate Mothers and Fathers more than 2 days a year!] But, for some reason, it's often just easier (to remember? to prioritize? to commit and actually DO something?) with the help of a specific day, particularly if friends, news outlets, or social media are discussing it!So, on March 9th (or ANY day it might help!), below are some suggestions, resources, etc., which we hope can be helpful*
*[...either to actually help you "get over it" or even just to help keep things in perspective and remind you that MANY people have been where you are - even though you might not know it from all the "living my best life" pics and #BLESSED posts you see on social media]
1. The " Purpose & Perspective Poem"
Option 1A: READ IT! (see image above; or download here)
Option 1B: LISTEN TO IT (60 sec)
Option 1C: WATCH IT (2 min, 45 sec)
[YES, we know the video quality sucks (by today's standards!) but it's FROM 2006! YouTube wasn't even a year old! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[Fun Fact: TWITTER was CREATED exactly 12 DAYS AFTER the FIRST Get Over It Day!]
2. "Get Over It" MUSIC!
One of the best indicators of just how universal this whole concept is...
We've pulled together the most relevant (~30-seconds-ish) clips from each song below, so you can get the full experience in LESS THAN 3 MINUTES!
[literally THOUSANDS of people have let us know how surprisingly helpful, comforting, therapeutic, or inspirational these particular clips have been]
"Get Over It" by OK Go ('s 22-second suggested clip: 2:47 to 3:09)
"Get Over It" by Aril Lavigne ('s 25-second suggestion: 2:49 to 3:19)
"Get Over It" by Care Bears on Fire (Suggested "Get Over It Day" 30-second clip: 1:21 to 1:51)
"Over It" by Katharine McPhee (Suggested "Get Over It Day" 56-second clip: 1:57 to 2:53)
"Tonight I'm Getting Over You" by Carly Rae Jepsen (Suggested "Get Over It Day" 19-second clip: 2:47 to 3:06)
"Gonna Get Over You" by Sara Bareilles (Suggested "Get Over It Day" 30-second clip: 1:00 to 1:30)
"Get Over It" by Lower Than Atlantis (Suggested "Get Over It Day" 30-second clip: 1:55 to 2:25)
"Over You" by Daughtry (Suggested "Get Over It Day" 30-second clip: 2:39 to 3:09 - or to the end for a "WTF just happened?!")
[This last one is's ALL-TIME FAVORITE clip! HOWEVER, it's NOT for young kids! - or anyone easily offended.]
"Get Over It" by McBusted ('s 56-second suggested clip - 4:07 to 5:03)
3. Public Declaration??
The "Intent to GET OVER IT" Pledge!

** Click for SQUARE Version (for Instagram?)**
**Click for LARGE VERSION FOR PRINTING (8.5 x 11) - to PRINT & SIGN?!**
[Note: Please feel free to share anything/everything from this page (images, audio, video, whatever) on social media (#GetOverItDay) or wherever!! We have a marketing budget of $0.00, so any/all help spreading the word is appreciated! :)
4. Just "Get Over It" PRIVATELY!!
Not into all the PUBLIC sharing? Feel free to ignore all this symbolic stuff and just commit to the decision YOURSELF, inside your own head, and then GET OVER IT - on your own!!
5. SHRED That Sh*t!
You can obviously do something like this on your own to symbolically rid yourself of something that represents whatever you're getting over - though we are legally NOT ALLOWED TO RECOMMEND BURNING ANYTHING (after a certain Get Over It Day fire-related incident on March 9th of 2012 in Huntington, New York), but...If you email to tell US what you're getting over, we will print your email and SHRED IT!
Not metaphorical shredding - we literally bought a paper-shredder specifically for this purpose! :)

Feel free to share wherever - and with whomever! #GetOverItDay
55-second audio clip below: "STOP COMPLAINING" / "GET OVER IT"
[NOT for young kids!]