COMING SOON: 600 Side Hustles?!?! ...via @CoFounderator's Cohort-based #CompeteCompare Pick-a-Product Programs, built upon the @MultipleBaskets Methodologies that attempt to address the Problems/Pitfalls & #FrequentFounderFailFactors) found via @PhilosoFounder's analysis of 500 Failed Founders (@500Failures).
The next 600 Side Hustles will come from (some) of the following:
100+ @HumorHotlines P.A.C.A.S.M. Projects
100+ @TshirtWhatever P.A.C.A.S.M. Projects
100+ @MerchWhatever P.A.C.A.S.M. Projects
100+ @CardWhatever P.A.C.A.S.M. Projects
100+ @ReThinkWhatever P.A.C.A.S.M. Projects
100+ @ZAPATHONS P.A.C.A.S.M. Projects
100+ @MessageWhatever P.A.C.A.S.M. Projects
100+ @WhateverMinutes P.A.C.A.S.M. Projects
100+ @PostByProxy P.A.C.A.S.M. Projects
100+ @CompeteCompare P.A.C.A.S.M. Projects
MORE [whatever] COMING SOON! ~ to maybe work w/ us?