"Referral Win-Win" is one of 100+ "Starter Startups" concepts from StartupWhatever.com & ReThinkingStartups.com - Most of which are currently #PitchingForPartners

Background / Summary:

Obviously the value of such a site/service is only as good as the quantity/quality of "Referral Win-Win" opportunities listed, so we will need to build out a real searchable/sortable database-driven startup MVP - Interested? Join us! #PitchingForPartners - But, in the meantime, we'll start manually adding some... 


-- My name is Jeff Goldblatt. I am a resident at BERKSHIRE TERMINUS located in Buckhead (Atlanta, GA). I hereby refer/recommend you to live there too (particularly if you work at Atlanta Tech Village, WeWork, Terminus or any of the other office towers within a ~4-minute walk), If you do, put me down as your referral and we will split the Resident Referral Fee! #ReferralWinWin

"OTHER" Example:

-- My name is Steven Cundari. I am a member of JetSmarterYou can now try JetSmarter for yourself with a three-month trial membership. To claim your gift, sign up using this link: https://gift.jetsmarter.com/friends/ZJ6XQU

-- My name is Alex. Click this banner and Sticker Mule will give you $10 and me $10.
Custom Stickers, Die Cut Stickers, Bumper Stickers - Sticker Mule

NOTE 1: If you live somewhere that offers resident referral fees (or belong to any clubs, use any services, etc. - that offer referral fees), give us your info below and you could literally make money (referral fees) by doing nothing more than allowing us to give your name to prospects that will list you as their referrer!

NOTE 2: Also contact us (info@StartupWhatever.com or via PitchingForPartners.com) if you're interested in helping us launch this "Starter Startup!"



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