- The SHORT Explanation:
Violets are Blue;
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This MIGHT Be For YOU:

- The LONG Explanation...
TEN (10) REASONS Why This (Unconventional) Dating/Matchmaking Model MIGHT Make Sense For SOME People...
1. If you believe that one of the most important things in life is to find the right person to fall in love with, to marry, and to spend the rest of your life with...
2. If you question just how well the normal/traditional/existing methods work...
3. If you recognize that the further away from college-age you get, the fewer new (single) people you meet...
4. If you feel like too many people end up “settling” for one of two things...
... B) the best option from a very small pool of people that chance/luck or normal methods happen to put them in contact with (around “that time”)?
5. If you believe that your future happiness is MUCH too important to just leave it to chance or luck...
6. If you admit you’re picky - but have no intention of changing that (because you have no interest in “settling”)...
7. If you acknowledge the reality that money can be a powerful motivator - for better or worse...
[EDITOR’S NOTE FROM JEFF: I initially ran this whole idea by some friends and the responses of MANY of them were best summed up by my friend Bill - "Seriously?! $10,000?! Heck, I'll introduce you to whoever you want! Let's look through my Facebook friends right now and just tell me who you want to meet!!" - I had been friends with Bill for 10 years! But the thought of helping me find my future wife had simply never occurred to him. And why would it? People are busy, they have their own lives to worry about, and introducing people is usually a thankless job. But if this website (and the financial incentive) will entice others to keep me top-of-mind and introduce me to some great girls, one of whom could be my future wife, well, then I think I owe it to myself to make that investment in my future happiness.]
8. If you recognize the value of more INTRODUCTIONS – casual, no-big-deal, no-pressure, no-expectations introductions – (as opposed to set-ups or blind dates)...
9. This model can eliminate (or at least reduce) a few common dating frustrations...
[For example: My friend XXXXXX goes to church every Sunday and really wants to get married and have kids. My friend XXXXX just wants to "bang as many hotties" as possible. Obviously, I wouldn't introduce them!]
9b. Speaking of "Friends of Friends"...
Editor's Note: ADMITTEDLY-OUTDATED REFERENCE BELOW. This was written years ago, back when Facebook was actually THE Social Media platform that EVERYONE was on.
... Have you ever clicked the "See All" link in Facebook's "People You May Know" tool? It's actually pretty interesting/amazing to see how many people you actually do NOT know, but with whom you share MANY mutual friends. There are literally 10,000+ girls with whom I share at least 3 mutual friends; but I would likely never normally/naturally meet most of them if I just left it to chance or luck. So if putting this site up encourages friends of mine to think about which of their friends I might like to meet (or even to outright ask me which of their friends I might like to meet!), well, I guess that's basically the goal here.
10. WHY NOT?!?!?!?
Contact us for more info - particularly if A) you want to help us build this as a real startup and/or B) you think this model might be right for YOU!
P.S. Explainer Video A? or B?
A. (15-seconds) B. (18-seconds)
Contact us for more info - particularly if A) you want to help us build this as a real startup and/or B) you think this model might be right for YOU!