This is a Hate Group:* The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) - known for its picket protests and hate speech against LGBT people (homophobia), Catholics (anti-Catholicism), Muslims (Islamophobia), Jews (religious antisemitism), American soldiers and politicians.
*The WBC is widely known as a hate group and is monitored as such by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Please, feel free to continue to hate! But for every picketing event you hold in 2017*, you will be triggering a donation to a charity that supports the very groups you are protesting against!
- Go ahead and protest a gay marriage... Congratulations, you've just triggered a donation to [GLAAD or the Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute]!
- Go ahead and continue to celebrate national tragedies (like you did by celebrating the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Orlando Night Club Shooting, and even 9-11! ... The Constitution gives you that right, but... Congratulations, you've just raised money for the families of those affected by that tragedy!
For the sake of round numbers, let's say we will begin as soon as their is $1000 in the HaHaHate.com Donation Bank!
If you like the idea (of creatively and peacefully saying "HAHA" to HATE Groups by contributing to the causes that they hate the most), please donate via the button above because we would LOVE to have thousands of dollars already in the HaHaHate.com pot on Day 1 when we officially launch the campaign! Either way, enter your email address here to be notified as things get rolling!
Full Disclosure, Congratulations, and Thank You!
The inspiration for this site was an event in a small town in Germany a few years ago. (If you have 2 minutes, we highly recommend watching the video below!) Congrats and Thank You to the residents of Wunsiedel!